Aaron's Childhood-

Aaron was born and raised in a small southern town called Ellabell. Aaron's Grandparents, Pattye and Roy Redmon owned a campground called, "Rambling Creek". Year's later, the campground turned into a beauitful community for Aaron's family. This is were his mom, Kandi met his dad, Paul. Aaron is the youngest of two. He has a sister named Bridget, who is older by fourteen months. Kandi says Aaron was a big surprise and unexpected. Aaron wasn't your average young boy. Yes, he played baseball, he got dirty, and he loved his dog "Oreo" very much, but Aaron spent most of his time by the ponds of rambling creek, fishing. The average kid would get board after thirty mintues of not catching anything and give up. Not him. When he was 10 years old, he sat by the pond behind his grandparents house for eight hours waiting for the 10lbs bass that is mounted on his wall [in his man room]. Aaron would rather fish, than anything else. Aaron was known to fall asleep in the middle of the yard when he got tired & Oreo would curl right up next to him. He has always had a love for the outdoors. Kandi did a wonderful job of decorationg his bedroom in a "under the sea" theme, because that was who he was. Aaron also had the collection of "The National Geographic" cassette tapes. He would sit for hours at a time to learn about all the different wildlife and nature. Some of his favorite activities as a child were playing with Army men, legos, and playing with the plastic animals or creatures of the sea.
Jessica's Childhood-

Jessica was born and raised in the same county, only on the other side, Richmond Hill, Georiga. Jessica's parents are origanally for Long Island, New York. Due to her father, Brian Arendes Sr., joined in the Military, they made their journey down to Fort Stewart, Georgia in 1976. Jessica is the youngest of three. There is eight years between her and her brother Brian, and five years between her and her sister, Kim. Ellen Walker, her mom, says she was quite a surprise. Although it's hard to imagine, Jessica was quite the "tomboy" as a child. Climbing trees, making mud cakes, building forts, or catching brim in the lagoon behind her childhood home. However, she was known to have a dainty side. From the day she could comprehend television, Jessica fell in love with Disney Movies. "The Little Mermaid" was her favorite. She was infatuated with the different fairy tales. Jessica had every doll, every game, every piece of clothing that supported "The Little Mermaid". Like Aaron's, Jessica's bedroom was decorated "Under the Sea". She used to pretend she was Ariel. With her bright red hair, and blue eyes... she waited for her prince charming to arrive. Playing house was her favorite. Cooking, Cleaning, playing mommy, changing diapers, all of the above. She always used her imagination. Jessica Looked up to her mom everyday, and still does. She's a big inspiration in Jessica's life.
How the Couple met-
Years after Jessica's parents split. Ellen met a wonderful man from Pooler, named Aaron Walker. They decided to get married and build on his property in the small town of Ellabell. Life in the country was a bit odd for Jess. She was devastated about the move. August of 2000, Jessica started school at Bryan County High School. A freshman scared to death. After a few rocky months, she finaly met the guy she had heard everyone talk about.
Jessica- "I had always heard the name "Aaron Drew." My girlfriend who lived across the street from me, was always on AOL. At the time I didn't have it. Everyday after school, I'd go to her house and she'd be talking to "topshot58". I'd ask her who that was, and she would say. "That's Aaron Drew." I wanted to know who this kid was. Our school softball team was holding a dance at a park down the street from my house. Standing in the parking lot after the dance was over, this white Ford truck pulls up. I noticed my friend, Justin Barnes, was in the passenger seat. As I talked to him through the window, I asked the other two guys in the truck what their names were. The kid in the middle said, "I'm Buddah." and the driver said, "Aaron Drew". I still remember exactly was he was wearing. I replied back, "Oh you're the guy I've been hearing about." At the time, he was very shy... he grinned and looked away. I went home that night, and told my friend Brandi that he would be my next boyfriend. Two weeks later we went on our first date. The BCHS basketball game." [01/31/01]
At ages 15 & 16 years old... their long, hard journey began.
Jess & Aaron have learned so much from each other. They've experienced a worldwind of changes, participated in different trips to see new places, and have met many of their friends along the way.
*Helen Georiga - Jess's parents took them in 2002- Granting Aaron telling Jessica "i love you" after two weeks of "going out"... this is when they first fell in love.
*Cancun, Mexico 2004 - Jessica's Senior trip. One week together for the first time. Night & Day. They bumped a lot of heads... ALOT. Aaron experienced his first bathroom dilemma. He tried to cover it up by running the faucet, but After REAL mexican food. You can't hide it. That being said, they ate a lot of Subway and Outback. THere's no place like home.
THe couple also met, famous rapper, "Lil John" at Fat Tuedays.
One of the many dance clubs, Coco Bongo was their favorite. It had a waterfalls [that had woman dancers inside them] located on either side of the stage, and it was three stories high.
*Snow Skiiing at Snowshoe, West Virgina 2004 - THey went with Aaron's family. The family has been snow skiing since Aaron was a baby. Therefore, Jessica was stuck on the bunny slopes, until they so kindly tricked her onto what she thought was a green level [the easiest] but really was the blue level [next level up] Remind you, she hadn't even learned how to stop & when she did ski, her ski poles were pointed to each side of her. Two mintues down the slope, Jess experienced her first black out. She woke up to Paul screaming, " What's my name?" & " How many fingers and I holding up?"
Photo taken the day of Black Out
*Cruise to the Bahamas 2006 & 2008 - On the Island of Freeport, Aaron tried live Conk {Gross}. Mintues later Jessica tried it... only cooked and with other vegetables.
*The Grand Cayman Islands 2009 - They learn history about the small island. Also visited a turtle farm. Jess and Aaron ate turtle for the first time. [Good taste, Nasty to look at] They also swam with Sting Rays. After about 10 mintues of GIANT sting rays uncontrollably swimming around, Jess was out of the water. The instructor informed them to keep their feet in the sand, but everytime a StringRay would reach Jessica, she'd ball up in the Fedal Position and scream.
Aaron was not okay with this.
Taken right before the Sting Rays swim up.
*Jamaica 2009- They rode a 800 ft chair lift and saw the different landscapes of Jamaica. Breath-taking. They about pottied their pants when riding in the taxi.
"A combination of driving on the left side of the road and running stop signs is WAAAAAY uncool."
*Jacksonville, Florida 2009 - a weekend getaway they took with their friends, Heather and Brett. They watched the lighting of the Christmas tree, that held 300,000 christmas lights, and the following night they watched the gorgeous Boat parade.
*Elijay, Georgia 2010 - Kandi, Paul, Aaron, Jessica, Bridget, Patrick, Reid, Teddy [dog], Wolf [dog], and Jackson [dog] all packed up in a 12 passenger van to spent the weekend in a cabin surrounded by snow. This is were Aaron and Jessica made their famous "snow catfish" & "Snow Jackson"
Through the years of growing up and learning who they were as teenagers and growing together as young adults, their times together were adventurous & happy, but at times... their relationship drifted apart. Due to their faith and them believing in themselves and who they were as a couple, they have managed to overcome all the doubts and good-byes. Their love is strong and devoted. Aaron and Jessica look forward to many year togethers!
As of today, their life is very simple and sweet. Nothing about it is complex.
Our Studio Apartment & Jackson
For the past year and a half, they've lived in what used to be the [Drew] family "playhouse", and what is now their home. A studio apartment that is located outide Paul and Kandi's house. It's been great, but they are upgrading into something a bit bigger. After working hours, they spend their time making small changes to what used to be Aaron's great grandfathers house, and what now they call their home. They are excited and can't wait to have enough space for all their belongings. Jessica is jumping for joy about having a dishwasher. "Four years, I've been washing and drying dishes by hand. It gets old." She is also pumped about having a bath tub. "It's nice to know I don't have to go to moms to enjoy my two hour bubble baths." On the other hand, Aaron is looking forward to his "man room". Defined as: Where all his guns, mounted animals, and fish will be held. He is also stoked about having their livingroom carpeted. He likes to lay down and take naps.
Even though they have steady lives, they still manage to make time for everything else. They frequently hang out with their friends. They try to attend all the family outtings & birthday parties, and family suppers. They enjoy keeping up with the T.V show "LOST", and on top of all they make time for themselves.
"Life is great, we are enjoying everyday together." -Jess