I love this time of the year!!!
From NOW, until about Janurary 2nd
[Haha, I love New Years]
Fall is my FAVORITE season!
It makes me feel so in love. It really does. I love the cool crispy air! I love campfires. I love the colors. I love Pumpkins. I love Boots, Scarves, Coats, & Hats. I love the leaves on the ground. I love scarecrows & Harvest. I love fall decor.
I love the fields where the crops grow.
There is something about this time of year that just makes me so happy.
I get SO excited to feel this way. There's no stopping it. Anyone else feel me?
I'm SUPA excited about this.
Aaron and myself are going to a pumpkin patch to pick MORE pumpkins!
I'm a pumpkin-holic every year, and this year I've been more crafty than other years.
I want to really do it up in the yard!
I want my yard to look like a MUCH smaller version of this picture below!
&& Last but definitely NOT least...
Our favorite place to go during this season is Helen Georgia!
This is actually where we fell completely in love in 2001.
We were hoping to go there last year but we took a trip to JacksonVille Florida to watch the Lighting of the Christmas Tree at the JacksonVille Landings.
Although, that was a weekend full of beauty & fun... it's still not Helen!
HOPEFULLY, if things fall into place like they should, Aaron & myself will be taking a weekend trip back to Helen! If you've never been, you should definitely go! It's beauitful!

Alright, well... I think I summed it up!
Everything I love about Fall is RIGHT HERE!
What do YOU love about fall?
Happy Thursday!