hell-Oo friends!!!
Where on earth do I begin? Maybe with explaining my absences on le blog. Well, I'm here to say that life kicked back in the last lane for Aaron and myself.
We've been non-stop for weeks now. It's one thing or another - but we aren't complaining terribly.
Truthfully, I started slacking in the blog area back when I signed myself up for an
8 week challenge that I have promised to update you all about - loosing weight?
Yeah - complete fail. Which in fact, is why I did not really write about it.
I hated that I failed. It's totally bummed me out. Seems like I get a burst of motivation && them wham - it's gone.
Remember when I was running daily? I will
filling up your instagram with random running shoes & sweaty facial pictures daily. I was doing SO good. However, my hometown went through a time when it rained for like 5 days straight and sadly that's my excuse on why I quit running. I believe I lost like 5 or 6 lbs?
Yeah, well I gained it back. && became more bloated it seemed.
Me = completely miserable.
I don't think I made it through the second day. I bought thermus, hand held blenders, a lunch tote && LOTS of fruit & veggies. I did manage to eat a lot of fruit & go more natural however, the detox was horrible. I could not for the life of me
get anything to taste normal. My shakes were gritty & ... just not pleasant.
I struggled terribly getting it down. By the time I was ALMOST finished with breakfast shake/smoothie it was lunch... another one? Yes, && by then it was Dinner. Needless to say I still have an entire kit. Anyone want it? I'll ship it to ya!
Because I'm out.
Where I am at with my weight goal? So I went on my trip with my
friends from Middle School, which was a complete success. Awesome weekend & yes, I wasn't quite where I wanted to be, FAR from it. In fact, I had to go bathing suit shopping because I have NEVER like the story Moby Dick & I was NOT gonna look like him on the beach.
However, as of today. I've been going to the gym every morning && learned that I love running on the treadmill. Seriously. So much easier?! Ay?
I signed up for weight watchers last week for a 3 month trial && I've lost 6 pounds so far.
Hard work pays off. I'm not taking my diet life to serious yet as serious as I want to be which is pretty damn serious. What I mean by it is, last night I had ice cream.
Not the weight watchers kind - my throat was killing me && I had a headache.
It's the only thing that seemed to make sense. I'm not going to beat myself over it.
Enough of that.
Aaron and I are 1.5 weeks away from celebrating our
FIRST Wedding Anniversary.
Saaaay WHAT?
Can you believe it? ONE YEAR.
Which is another reason I've been away from the blog. All my time has been looking up && planning out our trip to
Destin, Florida.
I have a lot planned for the blog to you must not give up on me.
I have a few guest bloggers coming to visit, a "Paper" tutorial {hence, first wedding anniversary gift} & several other wedding/anniversary related posts.
Super fun!
Last but not least, I'll tell you my fingers, toes && every other part of my
body that can be crossed is cross && have been for months now.
I've been looking to transfer to another location with a raise && promotion... I want this so bad - so if you could say a prayer for me, it would be awesome. I'd love you always && would appreciate it.
&& ....
The hubby and I have been house searching.
That's right. We are looking for our start home to raise our little ones
who have no been created yet {nope, not preggers} with a LOT more space
&& something we can grow into for the next 10 years!
Hours && Hours - Texts back-n-forth ALL.DAY.LONG looking, searching -
getting pre-approved by the bank {score!} && then walking through...
It's tiring but very exciting. As of yesterday, I believe we found THE ONE.
I'm in love.
House talk comes later. We are into the paper work now, so you'll
here more soon. {hopefully}
For now, my time has come to an end.
This blog && my typing actions will be back in gear...
Don't forget to come back next week!
Xo, j