Monday, April 11, 2011

Inspiring Bloggers

I LOVE what Aly & Molly are doing here!
VERY inspiring!
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
Grab the Button & Check it out!
Meet Aly
Meet Molly


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. I've commented and will be emailing them soon with an idea. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

The Things We Find Inside

♥ Marcy ♥ said...

Love what they are doing also! PS I just wanted to say that from your previous post that personally I think your wonderful! Those mean and awful people are so beneath you it aint even funny! You are beautiful inside and out and don't ever let anybody take that away from you! Also, check out my blog... my wedding dress in on there somewhere ;)

Lyryn said...

Checked molly out... very cool!