You had me at hello on January 16, 2001. I can remember that night like it was yesterday. There you were sitting in your white ford truck with Justin & Brandon. You stole my heart and never gave it back. And I never wanted you to. I thank god every single day for you, all of you. I can't wait to explain to my little girl or boy on the day s/he is experiencing her/his first love that the little blue eyed boy who captured mommas total heart was her/his daddy.
Aaron, you are my world & you have been since day one.
I love you. Happy 11 years of life together.
♥ Your Wife, XoXo
Picture taken February 2001 - ages 16/15:
at a friend, McKenzie Pickett's house. We were with two other couples, hanging out... falling in love. I can still remember walking around the Pickett's house along with the other couples... my heart was pounding & blood was pumping 90-to-nothing. I was full of smiles.. and stopped breathing when he grabbed my hand. I was falling
I never want to forget this day. I never will.
All I can remember about this day was...
{Are you ready for this mom?}
{Are you ready for this mom?}
After prom, we all went back to Aaron's {parents} house. Which was planned.
Us and about 7 other prom dates. Well, I had to be home at 1:00am, no later...
my parents would have killed me. Well, we fell asleep and I woke up at 5:00am knowing my parents get up at 6:00am. I screamed. He jumped up. We got my stuff together in about 2.5 seconds... no joke, I was scared to death. Knew I was going to walk in to my parents starring at me at the table.
Well i didn't. They were still asleep. THank God. At 10:00am I woke up and was REALLY nervous.
I walked out to my mom smiling huge asking me how Prom was.
I knew I was safe. Later {in picture} Aaron came back over to hang out.
Us and about 7 other prom dates. Well, I had to be home at 1:00am, no later...
my parents would have killed me. Well, we fell asleep and I woke up at 5:00am knowing my parents get up at 6:00am. I screamed. He jumped up. We got my stuff together in about 2.5 seconds... no joke, I was scared to death. Knew I was going to walk in to my parents starring at me at the table.
Well i didn't. They were still asleep. THank God. At 10:00am I woke up and was REALLY nervous.
I walked out to my mom smiling huge asking me how Prom was.
I knew I was safe. Later {in picture} Aaron came back over to hang out.
Our Story:
God knew what he was doing when he made this little tomboy who always had a bow in her hair while baiting her own hook... she grew up being the complete opposite.
She was the first girl to ever take his attention away from "I'd rather be fishing."

met in January 2001
became... as my parents would say
"steady" January 2001.
we were kids.
we were in high school.
we went steady all throughout high school...
for the most part.
he had my heart from day one.
i had his attention but it took longer for him
to settle in.
#now comes college.
i lived in an apartment with my girlfriends.
he still was at home.
{mommas boy..yes}
parties. break-ups. crying. finding ourselves.
we made it.
it was rough.
it was only the beginning.
now comes the first time we lived together.
wow.whoa.what happened?
you're just not ready to play house at 22.
well we weren't. we were far from it.
reality hit us.
big time.
wait - let me correct that.
reality hit ME.
this was a bad idea.
we were on two different roads of 'knowing what we wanted'.
i moved out 8 months later.
hardest thing i've ever done.
not really moving out
just everything that came along with it.
okay and yes - moving out.
a day/moment i never want to feel again.the hardest moment{s} of our history yet.
however, it was the best thing that ever happened to {us}.
he is a bachelor.
i live with my parents.
something I never thought i'd ever have to do again.
he was high on single life.
i was broken to pieces.
torn apart.
he partied & ...
well, he was a bachelor.
my heart was brought interest elsewhere.
yes, with a guy. a great guy.
not with aaron.
i was swept off my feet.
aaron begged. cried. pleaded. but partied.
he was still in the same mind set.
not ready for the serious-ness of a relationship & love.
make sense?
he was a bachelor & wanted that life.
he needed that.
#five months later.
he hasn't given up.
i found myself. my life. my confidence.
my heart.
which was with aaron.
he was my heart.

best valentines day yet was our first
day back together - 2009.
love took some time to find us again
the real love. the trust. everything that comes with it.
we moved in together with time.
still a few bumpy roads but nothing
was worth giving up.

June 2010 spent our time
moving into his late great grandfathers home.
it was given to us.
it was remodeled to make it our home.
it was a very good time in our life.
we found the our happiness - together.
happiness was alive, living, and regained.
we found partnership.
we found respect for each other and most of all...
we became stronger friends
best friends
& lovers all over again.
September 2010 Aaron picked out THE ring.
December 26th he was on one knee.
we planned my perfect fairy tale for eight months.
the happiest, most joyful experience.
became husband and wife on September 3, 2011.
Life now...
is spent building our roots.
a lot of couch-time. dinner dates.
time with family & friends. new traditions.
& a wife trying to cook like momma does.
starting our family.
making plans knowing nothing can beat us.