Okay, so usually I write a weekly post about my thoughts on The Bachelor/ette.
I haven't this year. Hmmmm...
I've had a few friends in the blog world ask me if I planned on sharing my thoughts
on how this year is .... rolling. Well, here I am.
Yes. I am still watching.
Yes. I still love watching.
Yes, I wait ALL day Monday with excitement to watch a new episode.
Yes. I will admit that you all were right. Ben is absolutely boring.
Wow. Whoa. Man. What a boring way to get to know someone.
However, I still love watching. My hubby & I are troopers!
Okay... so let's play catch up.
Random thoughts over the past few weeks....
On the skinny dipping episode:
I feel Ben pretty much picked his girl that night.
When choosing to skinny dip with ... what 12? 10? other girls
there trying to find love through YOU... and you chose to get naked with another
naked lady? Yeeeeah. Let's just say if I were any of them except Courtney and he chose me...
I'd be betrayed and my perspective would definitely change.
Ben stated once, he was threw with his partying days...
Yeah well I don't think his "princess sophia" really is.
He thinks when head #2 to much & to early.
On the skinny dipping episode:
I feel Ben pretty much picked his girl that night.
When choosing to skinny dip with ... what 12? 10? other girls
there trying to find love through YOU... and you chose to get naked with another
naked lady? Yeeeeah. Let's just say if I were any of them except Courtney and he chose me...
I'd be betrayed and my perspective would definitely change.
Ben stated once, he was threw with his partying days...
Yeah well I don't think his "princess sophia" really is.
He thinks when head #2 to much & to early.
I thought this was fun.

KUDOS for her coming back on the show for him. Awesome.
Instantly I think Ben liked her arrival.
And thinking back, I think she is the PERFECT person for Ben.
Instantly I think Ben liked her arrival.
And thinking back, I think she is the PERFECT person for Ben.
Boring. Talk slow. Lives in California.
The ONLY girl to really step on Courtney worry bone. I believe Shawntel would have stayed
if Courtney didn't say what she said to him when given a rose.
This is when I knew Ben had no balls & Courtney was his girl.
I didn't see this ending the way it did.

I feel Ben is a smart guy but he has fooled me.
I 100% believe he lets Princess Sophia do some choice makings however he did fool
me on this date. I aint gonna lie, the little book Blakeley made for him was pretty great.
I thought that won him over... And it didn't. Soo... I can't follow him.
me on this date. I aint gonna lie, the little book Blakeley made for him was pretty great.
I thought that won him over... And it didn't. Soo... I can't follow him.
I had good feeling about this conversation...

I thought this was the end of Nicki - since she really told Ben to be careful of Courtney - I also thought Ben would be a little more ... cautious with Courtney.
His {Are you nice to girls} conversation was pretty much pointless. Oh wait.. we are talking about Ben. I forgot he pretty much gave up on all the girls in Pueto Rico when he got naked.
This girl, Casey - Whoa...
always seemed odd to me. I told my husband if I ever look like that while crying...
call me out on it. Whoa. That was painful to watch. In a non-painful way.
call me out on it. Whoa. That was painful to watch. In a non-painful way.
Wait.. what exactly is she crying so hard over?
She isn't in love with her EX. She isn't in love with Ben.
But she loves Courtney...? Very odd.
Once upon a time...
I said I loved the way Ben dressed...

... wait, what is this?
No way. My face turned red for him. Yikes!

Okay, so really? Swimming with sharks.
This was probably one of Bens interesting & most adventurous date.
All of his "date choices" have been boring - more surreal, yes.. but boring.
However, when the girls had to swim with sharks... I'd shiiii my bottoms.
I'd be going home with the word SWIM WITH. Not a huge fan.
Ohhh Jamie. I know what you were trying to do...
I get it... but you made things totally awkward for everyone in America.

Poor thing. I know she had to want to change her entire look
after that airing on national television.
OKay, so I loved Emily. I really did. I thought she was great.
However, I knew she was not going to make it to the final {proposal} and that
I am happy she didn't. I thought their date, swimming for lobsters went really well.
I was happy for her. I was completely 110% blown when Emily didn't get a rose.
I for sure thought, Nicki was leaving us.
Emily will find love & I hope she is on the front cover on US WEEKLY when she does.
Why? Because I know the article inside will share the amazing rap she did to capture his heart. Girl has the rapping going on....
Cheers to Emily on finding love.

Nicki - I like her. However, after last weeks {hometown date} I began to like her so much more. I really did. I loved her dad more. Daddy had be in absolute tears when he confessed his feelings about being responsible for her divorce, or the way things ended in her first marriage. Daddy got my vote. I also loved how her parents were divorced yet still there for their daughter. Good family back ground.

Dad also made a really fun speech at the end of dinner in which I noticed
Nicki's brother and Ben had the same look on their faces - awkward. Ben describes his feelings for Nicki were from the "gut". Whoa, really? What happened to your heart?
Yeah, okay so he likes her. But Nicki isn't the one.
However, I truly believe she'd be bored to DEATH spending a lifetime with him.
She's to bubbly and happy for him.
Cheers to Nicki for finding love!

Kacie B. - Poor baby was in love. Did anyone else feel as bad as I did for her
throughout ALL of last weeks show? Her {hometown} date. Awkward as you can get.
I'm not sure what was more awkward - This hometown date or Jamie's
wanna-be make out sessions. Okay you're right. Jamie wins.
wanna-be make out sessions. Okay you're right. Jamie wins.

Was it this moment that he know Kacie B. was going home?
Ben seems completely scared when Kacie stated "My parents don't drink."
Ouch! Really?
To the house they go...
I admire Daddy's for the huge amount of protection towards their daughters. Actually, I was telling my husband I hope he is that gentle with {giving a hand in marriage} to our daughter. I loved it. However, I also felt so bad for her because it got her no where. Oh wait, it got her in the back seat of a limo. I wonder how Daddy took her foul language.
Okay and Momma. She was Kacie B. all over. Wow. She looked just like her.
But momma didn't lay low either. Momma stated they would NOT live together before getting married... and that did it. Ben & Kacie B.'s connection shot out the window.
I DO credit Ben for always being the one to make his decisions. He is pretty head strong & thinks for himself.
However, I also credit Kacie's parents, for at those moments she was really hating the way they came across to Ben - she will thank them in the future.
I like Kacie B. & know that the skinny dipping would have
totally changed her mind. I know it. Sooo....
Cheers to Kacie B. on finding true love.

And then you have MY first impression vote....
Lindzi - I like her. I really do. But I really don't see much happening between
Ben & her. I think they are on a much slower level only because she isn't as aggressive.
I really liked her {hometown} date & I thought her parents were totally cool.
I felt they were very welcoming & open arms to Ben.
Wait.. until this moment -
Really? That's kind weird, right?
I think Lindzi definitely walks better in cowgirl boots rather than heals. So when she stated a while back that "dirt is her makeup", I kind of believe it now.
I wouldn't want these two together because in my opinion with someone as
I wouldn't want these two together because in my opinion with someone as
settle & calm as Lindzi is, I feel she needs someone to open her up. That will come natural with her {Mr. Right}. She still isn't completely comfortable around him.
Just my opinion. Maybe she is & that's just her.
I feel Lindzi will be sent him. Sooo...
Cheers to her for
Okay.. and now the one who makes this season interesting.
Courtney - Yeah, you guessed it. The girls crawls under my skin like you know what.
Before I really give my piece of mind, let me say a few things. Her mouth movements drive.me.INSANE! All season I've been bothered by this. For a model, she seems homely.
Yeah, she's pretty but her walk is not graceful. Her stand {at the rose ceremony} makes my tummy turn over. She stands in a mini dress, in heels... with her legs WIDE open. Oh wait, we are talking about Courtney.
Okay... so homegirl has it going on. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing and how to play this game. Clearly, the show isn't aired as a game - but she definteily know how to reel Ben in.
That one time when she said "I've got to go get the rose" and then played as if she was feeling distant from Ben - of course be was confused, however he got sucked right in. UGH!
"WINNING" - drives me crazy. Just curious to know how she explains that to her future hubby when he watches this back. Awful!

Courtney is EXTREMELY insecure. This photo/caption below is totally correct.
However NOW she is gonna try and staryt explaining her mean words and actions to Ben...

Hometown date: I actually liked it. I thought she was really enjoyable and now can see where
Ben is getting this "sensitive side". Do I REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLLY believe it? No.
I feel that they will make it - when the world revolves around just the two fo them... however after the show... life goes on and it won't. She says she doesn't get along with girls... the two closest people in Ben's life is his sister and MOm. Hmmmm?????
However NOW she is gonna try and staryt explaining her mean words and actions to Ben...

Hometown date: I actually liked it. I thought she was really enjoyable and now can see where
Ben is getting this "sensitive side". Do I REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLLY believe it? No.
I feel that they will make it - when the world revolves around just the two fo them... however after the show... life goes on and it won't. She says she doesn't get along with girls... the two closest people in Ben's life is his sister and MOm. Hmmmm?????

Mom. Yes! Now I can see where Courtney gets her facial expressions.
I mean I look just like my mom & I do a lot of things like her - but this was so {right-on} that
it creeped me out.
I really did like her date set up for Ben. I think Ben was a little creeped out about it.
Not me, because I'm that sensitive / love movie kinda girl
Their vows. Yeah, that said it all. The show really doesn't need to go any further after hearing
what Ben wrote in 10 minutes to Courtney. It was sweet.
Did anyone see the extra paper she had what she was "writing her vows". Yeah, because clearly she wrote them a head of time. Which is okay, but she pretended to not.
I thought they were really good... and then later read where it quotes Carrie Bradshaw.
Where's Emily when you need her???
Not me, because I'm that sensitive / love movie kinda girl
Their vows. Yeah, that said it all. The show really doesn't need to go any further after hearing
what Ben wrote in 10 minutes to Courtney. It was sweet.
Did anyone see the extra paper she had what she was "writing her vows". Yeah, because clearly she wrote them a head of time. Which is okay, but she pretended to not.
I thought they were really good... and then later read where it quotes Carrie Bradshaw.
Where's Emily when you need her???

So .. Courtney actually got some points from me on her hometown date...
The Rose Ceremony...

... she hasn't changed. She is STILL very evil.
Ugh! Who really doesn't console someone? She is just wrong.
Emily Maynard the next Bachelorette.
My thoughts: Hmmm... they are mixed.
I pulled for her. I backed her up & thought she wasn't gonna flee when reality hit.
Soooo.. do you think they will have Bentley on there? Hmmmm.....
Let's just hope she drag it out. I sure hope it's more entertaining than this year.
However, I'm very much looking forward to her outfits. She's got MADD style.

HA! Someone else who can't stand Courtney's facial movements!!! I complain to my husband every single episode lol.. it drives me insane!
I'm pretty much with you on every point. I thought Kasey B was going to the final 2 until this past episode when her family ruined it. Nikki is a total shocker to me as well.
I'm kind of over this season now, because obviously Courtney is going to win :(
I completely agree on everything. I was Team Kasie. I think I still am, considering she's back tomorrow. If not I think Courtney will win but thats just it, win...not fall in love. There's something awkward about Linzi and Nicole is growing.
I'm not a Emily fan but I'm interested to watch. I hope every comment isn't about her being a mom/her daughter. That will be boring.
haha i love this. i agree with everything... i do not like ben. he has zero personality, so now that i think about it- he and courtney are probably a good match.
i was team kacie until last week, and her parents totally screwed it up for her. but lets be for real, it never would've worked out... as he said, booze are his business, and her daddy doesn't drink... and do you think they really would've let her move to california? i think kacie is too good for ben, personally.
casey was really awkward... that cryfest? i think it was all put on and fake. sista doesn't know what the heck she wants.
since last week, i am now team nicki... i actually wasnt sure if she was that genuine at first, but i loved her family! wasn't her daddy the sweetest?!
and courtneys mouth movements drive me nuts, too! i can't believe she quoted carrie bradshaw... did she REALLY think no one would catch on to that? personally, i thought the hometown date was creepy and weird.
sorry for the longest comment, ever. basically, i agree with you! i havent done weekly updates either because i wasnt getting many comments.
I have the same feelings about Ben & The Bachelor! I cannot wait for Emily to be on The Bachelorette! It's going to be such a great season! Or atleast it better be! LOL!
Just stopping by to say hello, pretty girl! :)
I keep up with your blog mostly from my phone, so I can't always comment.
I'm faithfully watching The Bachelor too this season, so disappointed with Ben. Ugh!
I have nothing nice to say about Courtney either.
Yep, Ben is boring lol.. I'm still watching, btu I'm so over this season and ready to watch Em!!!! :)
THANK YOU for posting this ...I was definitley waiting to see your thoughts on how this season was going. I totally agree with everything you said.
After watching Ben kind of evolve on the Bachelorette - I was very surprised at how lame and boring he is now that he is the one in charge. Courtney drives me completely bonkers, but thank god she is still there, or this season would be a complete flop. After Ben went skinning dipping with her - it was pretty much a done deal. If he were to pick any of the other girls I am sure they would have some major reservations about him...I would hope so anyways.
I canNOT wait until the reunion show where the women tell all!!
So, I started following your blog awhile go because of your Bachelor posts. This one makes me happy.
Courtney's face is so weird. I liked her a ton last week though. I do miss Kacie but her family totally ruined it.
I am afraid Emily will be boring. Bentley is totally back. I think he goes on the first solo date.
My thoughts on Ben-he has no backbone and can't make a decision for himself, so he lets Courtney do that for him. He better be ready for her to take over as "man of the house" in their marriage, cause that's exactly where it's going!
I agree with you completely! I think Ben is a snooze and crazy for not seeing through Courtney. She is absolutely evil and her facial expressions kill me! I think it's her upper lip... It's weird. Loved your recap!
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