I believe that everyone woman should keep their girlfriends close by their side
No one comprehends the reasons why, like your sisters & your ladies.
Yes, Mr. Wonderful understands me 99.999%.
But my girlfriends understand me 100% + some.
Plus, I can't complain about him to him!
No Way! Okay, maybe sometimes...
But you know what I mean.
My Friends are very special to me.
I try to make it a point to never miss anything.
Sometimes it's hard.
I do not have Children, so it's easier than most.
But, Some of my girlfriends have children, and I love being with them too.
If I have to sit at the house with their littles one, I will & I love it.
Of course I love to be with Aaron!
But, I make it madatory that I keep my ladies nights & girl talks up to date.
No matter what the age is.
Sweet 16, 21st Birthday, Having Children, Getting Married, First Dates, ♥Falling in Love,
Divorces, New Jobs, Building Houses, or Growing Old...
Whatever it is... You should NEVER miss it.
Plus, Ladies know how to have the BEST kind of fun.
I too, believe that Men should have their nights with just the men!
[They appreciate it, and they learn to appreciate you more]
Besides My. 25th. Birthday, you haven't seen much of my ladies or how we like to have fun. Well, through Pictures, you will see many different events & entertainment.
Pictures say 1000 words
These woman are a hugh part of my life, along with my family & Aaron!
I make it a point to spend as much time with them as I can.
Life is so lame without my girlfriends.